Digital Forensics (sometimes known as digital forensic science) is a branch of forensic science encompassing the recovery and investigation of material found in digital devices, often in relation to computer crime.The term digital forensics was originally used as a synonym for computer forensics but has expanded to cover investigation of all devices capable of storing digital data.
The technical aspect of an investigation is divided into several sub-branches, relating to the type of digital devices involved; computer forensics, network forensics, forensic data analysis and mobile device forensics. The typical forensic process encompasses the seizure, forensic imaging (acquisition) and analysis of digital media and the production of a report into collected evidence.
- Anti Forensics
- Digital Forensics - Investigation
- Data Analysis
- Browser Forensic
- Cryptoanalysis
- Cryptography
- File Carving
- Disk And Imaging
- Forensic Analysis
- Network Forensics
- Image Acquiring
- Integrity Checkers
- Hashing
- Kgpg
- Sfill
- Smem
- Srm
- Sswap
- TrueCrypt
- Mutilate File Wiper
- rkhunter
- scrub
- wipe
- OSForensics
- AccessData Toolkit ATK
- Forensic Image Viewer
- FoxAnalysis
- Mail Viewer
- plecost
- wfspy
- Windows File Analyzer
- SkypeLogView
- LiveContactsView
- NetworkMiner
- UserAssist
- USBDeview
- USB Device Forensics
- Regshot
- Registry Decoder
- Process Monitor
- DriveLook
- ForensicUserInfo
- OperaPassView
- iPhone Analyzer
- MANDIANT Memoryze
- iPhone Backup Browser
- FTK Imager
- USB Write Blocker
- P2 eXplorer
- Agent Ransack
- EvidenceMover
- Audit Viewer
- Mobile Phone Examiner Plus (MPE+)
- Registry Viewer
- AD Triage
- Distributed Network Attack (DNA)
- TrIDLib
- The Sleuth Kit
- Bulk Extractor
- Exiftool
- Scrounge
- recoverjpeg
- fatback
- PC-3000
- analyzeMFT
- Rifiuti
- Orion Browser Dumper
- Crypto Implementations Analysis Toolkit
- alphapeeler
- jcryp
- Ganuzua
- EverCrack
- Advanced Encryption Package
- crypto
- cypherix
- Harden SSL/TLS
- SecuBox
- Drive Crypt
- KeePass
- Encrypted Disk Detector
- Foremost
- MagicRescue
- VHD Tool
- Autopsy
- CmosPwd
- Digital Forensic Framework
- NetworkMiner packet analyzer
- RadioGraPhy Forensic
- MboxGrep
- Pdfbook
- Pdgmail
- Pdymail
- PhotoRec
- aft
- RegRipper
- Scalpel
- Sleuth Kit
- StreamArmor
- Xplico Network Forensic Analysis
- TestDisk
- ForensicZone
- Vinetto
- Dtsearch
- Winhex
- Helix
- Mobius Forensic
- Mobius Forensic Toolkit
- revealertoolkit
- Stegdetect
- RegLookup
- Readpst
- pdfid
- volatility
- dc3dd
- tcpxtract
- Xplico
- darkstat
- volafox
- Afcat
- Afcompare
- Afconvert
- Affix
- Afinfo
- Afstats
- Afxml
- Aimage
- AIR Imager
- Chkrootkit
- Clamscan
- Dd_rescue
- Galleta
- ddrescue
- Afick
- DownloadHashVerifier
- HashCompare
- HashGenerator
- md5deep
- hashdeep
- Quick Hash
- hash-identifier