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eLearnSecurity has proven to be a leading innovator in the field of practical security training. Best of breed virtualization technology, in-house projects such as Coliseum Web Application Security Framework and Hera Network Security Lab, has changed the way students learn and practice new skills.

eLearnSecurity provides the eCPPT (eLearnSecurity Certified Professional Penetration Tester) a certification that is trusted by companies worldwide. eLearnSecurity's practical approach promotes certifications that prove a students' ability at performing real world tasks.

eLearnSecurity Certified Professional Penetration Tester (eCPPT)

eLearnSecurity Certified Professional Penetration Tester (eCPPT) is an Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Professional certification offered by eLearnSecurity. The eCPPT exam requires the student to carry out a real penetration test against a target and to build a penetration testing report. The eCPPT is part of a growing trend of Professional certifications requiring practical portions demonstrating competency in performing the tested duties.

The course is divided into three main knowledge domains covered by flash slides and video training:

Web Application Security

  • Introduction
  • Information Gathering
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • XSS
  • SQL Injection Attacks
  • Advanced Web Attacks

Network Security

  • Information Gathering
  • Scanning and Target Detection
  • Enumeration
  • Sniffing and MITM Attacks
  • VA & Exploitation
  • Anonymity

System Security

  • Cryptography and Password Cracking
  • Buffer Overflows
  • Shellcoding
  • Malware Introduction
  • Rootkit Coding


Check out eLearnSecurity Security Certifications @ www.elearnsecurity.com

CORE Impact Professional

Logo Core ImpactCORE Impact Professional is the most comprehensive software solution for assessing and testing security vulnerabilities throughout your organization.



IBM Security AppScan

Logo IBM Rational AppScanIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise is a scalable solution to help resolve application security vulnerabilities, offering recommendations to simplify remediation.



HP WebInspect

Logo - HP WebInspectHP WebInspect gives security professionals and security novices alike the power and knowledge to quickly identify and validate critical, high-risk security vulnerabilities.



Acunetix WVS

logo acunetix web application securityAcunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner (WVS) is an automated web application security testing tool that audits web applications by checking for hacking vulnerabilities. 



w4rri0r - Hacking Is Not A Crime - It's an art of Awareness

\/ w4rri0r - Hacking Is Not A Crime - It's an art of Awareness \/ -  w4rri0r work in the dark, w4rri0r do what w4rri0r can, w4rri0r give what w4rri0r have, w4rri0r doubt is w4rri0r passion and w4rri0r passion is w4rri0r task. The rest is the madness of art \/ w4rri0r \/ 

\/ w4rri0r.com \/ are the great resource for information security professionals and researcher. \/ w4rri0r \/ offers a extensive variation of information security services that include SECURITY EXPLOITS (Bug or Vulnerability), SECURITY ADVISORIES (Security Alerts), SECURITY RESEARCHER TOOLBOX (Freeware, Shareware & Open-Source), SHELLCODE (Attacker Controller - Chunk of Data), SECURITY TRAINING (Educational Purpose), SECURITY NEWS (Security Recent or Important Events) and with this group you can be assured that you’re in the right hands. \/ w4rri0r gr0up \/  efforts being endorsed and appreciated by administrators, security researchers and members of various underground hacking groups and communities worldwide.

\/ w4rri0r mission \/ are to make the information systems more secure, more aware, more reliable and protect against possible security breaches.