Vulnerability Assessment, also known as vulnerability analysis, is a process that defines, identifies, and classifies the security holes (vulnerabilities) in a computer, network, or communications infrastructure. In addition, vulnerability analysis can forecast the effectiveness of proposed countermeasures and evaluate their actual effectiveness after they are put into use.
Vulnerability Assessment consists of several steps:
- Defining and classifying network or system resources
- Assigning relative levels of importance to the resources
- Identifying potential threats to each resource
- Developing a strategy to deal with the most serious potential problems first
- Defining and implementing ways to minimize the consequences if an attack occurs.
- Graudit
- Nessus Parsing Tools
- MagicTree
- WordPress Security Scanner 1.1
- Yasca
- WebSploit Toolkit
- UrlScan 3.1
- Sara
- Gsd
- Mpack
- aidSQL
- Golismero
- WebGoat
- FStealer Filesystem Mirroring Tool
- Websecurify Security Testing Runtime
- GoLismero
- Lilith
- websurgery
- IronWASP
- Vasto
- DllHijackAuditor
- Nessus
- OpenVAS
- Dark D0rk3r 0.3
- Fwknop Port Knocking Utility 2.0
- Nexpose
- Fluxay
- GFI LanGuard
- Acunetix WVS
- VulnDetector
- Uniscan
- safe3
- Joomla Folder Scanner
- maxisploit-scanner
- sslyze
- Lycaon Web Vulnerability
- xss Scanner
- Gamja
- xSQL scanner
- Vanguard
- Damn small SQLI Scanner
- Falcove Web Vulnerability Scanner 2.4
- N-Stalker
- Xscan
- Vanguard Pentesting Scanner
- Saint
- Alelier
- Shadow Security Scanner
- Mopest
- WebCruiser
- XCode Exploit
- XssScanner
- CSRFScanner
- ERPScan SaaS
- XCobra
- solarwinds
- DDosPing
- DSScan
- Bed
- Bf2
- Bunny
- Dkftpbench
- FuzzDb
- Fzem
- JbroFuzz
- MiniFuzz File Fuzzer
- ftp-fuzz
- Powerfuzzer
- fuzzer toolkit
- tftp-fuzz
- Peach
- untidy
- Peach Fuzzing Platform
- Fuzzer Toolkit
- Sfuzz
- Sulley
- antiparser
- Fusil
- Spike
- Fuzzbox
- Voiper
- WSFuzzer
- ZZuf
- UniOFuzz Universal Fuzzer Tool
- Wikto
- LFI Fuzzploit Tool
- PHP Vulnerability Hunter
- AxMan
- Malybuzz
- rfuzz
- Impacket Samrdump
- Impacket Smbclient
- keimpx
- Smb4k
- Smbclient
- ADMSnmp
- Braa
- SnmpCheck
- SnmpEnum
- SnmpWalk